Source code for data_juicer.core.exporter

import os
from multiprocessing import Pool

from loguru import logger

from data_juicer.utils.constant import Fields, HashKeys

[docs] class Exporter: """The Exporter class is used to export a dataset to files of specific format.""" KiB = 2**10 # 1024 MiB = 2**20 # 1024*1024 GiB = 2**30 # 1024*1024*1024 TiB = 2**40 # 1024*1024*1024*1024
[docs] def __init__(self, export_path, export_shard_size=0, export_in_parallel=True, num_proc=1, export_ds=True, keep_stats_in_res_ds=False, keep_hashes_in_res_ds=False, export_stats=True): """ Initialization method. :param export_path: the path to export datasets. :param export_shard_size: the size of each shard of exported dataset. In default, it's 0, which means export the dataset to a single file. :param num_proc: number of process to export the dataset. :param export_ds: whether to export the dataset contents. :param keep_stats_in_res_ds: whether to keep stats in the result dataset. :param keep_hashes_in_res_ds: whether to keep hashes in the result dataset. :param export_stats: whether to export the stats of dataset. """ self.export_path = export_path self.export_shard_size = export_shard_size self.export_in_parallel = export_in_parallel self.export_ds = export_ds self.keep_stats_in_res_ds = keep_stats_in_res_ds self.keep_hashes_in_res_ds = keep_hashes_in_res_ds self.export_stats = export_stats self.suffix = self._get_suffix(export_path) self.num_proc = num_proc self.max_shard_size_str = '' # get the string format of shard size if self.export_shard_size // Exporter.TiB: self.max_shard_size_str = '%.2f TiB' % (self.export_shard_size / Exporter.TiB) elif self.export_shard_size // Exporter.GiB: self.max_shard_size_str = '%.2f GiB' % (self.export_shard_size / Exporter.GiB) elif self.export_shard_size // Exporter.MiB: self.max_shard_size_str = '%.2f MiB' % (self.export_shard_size / Exporter.MiB) elif self.export_shard_size // Exporter.KiB: self.max_shard_size_str = '%.2f KiB' % (self.export_shard_size / Exporter.KiB) else: self.max_shard_size_str = '%.2f Bytes' % (self.export_shard_size) # we recommend users to set a shard size between MiB and TiB. if 0 < self.export_shard_size < Exporter.MiB: logger.warning(f'The export_shard_size [{self.max_shard_size_str}]' f' is less than 1MiB. If the result dataset is too ' f'large, there might be too many shard files to ' f'generate.') if self.export_shard_size >= Exporter.TiB: logger.warning(f'The export_shard_size [{self.max_shard_size_str}]' f' is larger than 1TiB. It might generate large ' f'single shard file and make loading and exporting ' f'slower.')
def _get_suffix(self, export_path): """ Get the suffix of export path and check if it's supported. We only support ["jsonl", "json", "parquet"] for now. :param export_path: the path to export datasets. :return: the suffix of export_path. """ suffix = export_path.split('.')[-1].lower() support_dict = self._router() if suffix not in support_dict: raise NotImplementedError(f'Suffix of export path [' f'{export_path}] is not supported ' f'for now. Only support ' f'{list(support_dict.keys())}.') return suffix def _export_impl(self, dataset, export_path, suffix, export_stats=True): """ Export a dataset to specific path. :param dataset: the dataset to export. :param export_path: the path to export the dataset. :param suffix: suffix of export path. :param export_stats: whether to export stats of dataset. :return: """ if export_stats: # export stats of datasets into a single file.'Exporting computed stats into a single file...') export_columns = [] if Fields.stats in dataset.features: export_columns.append(Fields.stats) if Fields.meta in dataset.features: export_columns.append(Fields.meta) if len(export_columns): ds_stats = dataset.select_columns(export_columns) stats_file = export_path.replace('.' + suffix, '_stats.jsonl') Exporter.to_jsonl( ds_stats, stats_file, num_proc=self.num_proc if self.export_in_parallel else 1) if self.export_ds: # fetch the corresponding export method according to the suffix if not self.keep_stats_in_res_ds: extra_fields = {Fields.stats, Fields.meta} feature_fields = set(dataset.features.keys()) removed_fields = extra_fields.intersection(feature_fields) dataset = dataset.remove_columns(removed_fields) if not self.keep_hashes_in_res_ds: extra_fields = { HashKeys.hash, HashKeys.minhash, HashKeys.simhash, HashKeys.imagehash, HashKeys.videohash, } feature_fields = set(dataset.features.keys()) removed_fields = extra_fields.intersection(feature_fields) dataset = dataset.remove_columns(removed_fields) export_method = Exporter._router()[suffix] if self.export_shard_size <= 0: # export the whole dataset into one single file.'Export dataset into a single file...') export_method( dataset, export_path, num_proc=self.num_proc if self.export_in_parallel else 1) else: # compute the dataset size and number of shards to split if dataset._indices is not None: dataset_nbytes = * len( dataset._indices) / len( else: dataset_nbytes = num_shards = int(dataset_nbytes / self.export_shard_size) + 1 num_shards = min(num_shards, len(dataset)) # split the dataset into multiple shards'Split the dataset to export into {num_shards} ' f'shards. Size of each shard <= ' f'{self.max_shard_size_str}') shards = [ dataset.shard(num_shards=num_shards, index=i, contiguous=True) for i in range(num_shards) ] len_num = len(str(num_shards)) + 1 num_fmt = f'%0{len_num}d' # regard the export path as a directory and set file names for # each shard dirname = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(self.export_path)) basename = os.path.basename(self.export_path).split('.')[0] os.makedirs(dirname, exist_ok=True) filenames = [ os.path.join( dirname, f'{basename}-{num_fmt % index}-of-' f'{num_fmt % num_shards}' f'.{self.suffix}') for index in range(num_shards) ] # export dataset into multiple shards using multiprocessing'Start to exporting to {num_shards} shards.') pool = Pool(self.num_proc) for i in range(num_shards): pool.apply_async(export_method, args=( shards[i], filenames[i], )) pool.close() pool.join()
[docs] def export(self, dataset): """ Export method for a dataset. :param dataset: the dataset to export. :return: """ self._export_impl(dataset, self.export_path, self.suffix, self.export_stats)
[docs] def export_compute_stats(self, dataset, export_path): """ Export method for saving compute status in filters """ keep_stats_in_res_ds = self.keep_stats_in_res_ds self.keep_stats_in_res_ds = True self._export_impl(dataset, export_path, self.suffix, export_stats=False) self.keep_stats_in_res_ds = keep_stats_in_res_ds
[docs] @staticmethod def to_jsonl(dataset, export_path, num_proc=1, **kwargs): """ Export method for jsonl target files. :param dataset: the dataset to export. :param export_path: the path to store the exported dataset. :param num_proc: the number of processes used to export the dataset. :param kwargs: extra arguments. :return: """ dataset.to_json(export_path, force_ascii=False, num_proc=num_proc)
[docs] @staticmethod def to_json(dataset, export_path, num_proc=1, **kwargs): """ Export method for json target files. :param dataset: the dataset to export. :param export_path: the path to store the exported dataset. :param num_proc: the number of processes used to export the dataset. :param kwargs: extra arguments. :return: """ dataset.to_json(export_path, force_ascii=False, num_proc=num_proc, lines=False)
[docs] @staticmethod def to_parquet(dataset, export_path, **kwargs): """ Export method for parquet target files. :param dataset: the dataset to export. :param export_path: the path to store the exported dataset. :param kwargs: extra arguments. :return: """ dataset.to_parquet(export_path)
# suffix to export method @staticmethod def _router(): """ A router from different suffixes to corresponding export methods. :return: A dict router. """ return { 'jsonl': Exporter.to_jsonl, 'json': Exporter.to_json, 'parquet': Exporter.to_parquet, }