Source code for data_juicer.ops.mapper.dialog_intent_detection_mapper

import re
from typing import Dict, List, Optional

from loguru import logger
from pydantic import NonNegativeInt, PositiveInt

from data_juicer.ops.base_op import OPERATORS, TAGGING_OPS, Mapper
from data_juicer.utils.constant import Fields, MetaKeys
from data_juicer.utils.model_utils import get_model, prepare_model

OP_NAME = 'dialog_intent_detection_mapper'

# TODO: LLM-based inference.
[docs] @TAGGING_OPS.register_module(OP_NAME) @OPERATORS.register_module(OP_NAME) class DialogIntentDetectionMapper(Mapper): """ Mapper to generate user's intent labels in dialog. Input from history_key, query_key and response_key. Output lists of labels and analysis for queries in the dialog. """ DEFAULT_SYSTEM_PROMPT = ( '请判断用户和LLM多轮对话中用户的意图。\n' '要求:\n' '- 需要先进行分析,然后列出用户所具有的意图,下面是一个样例,请模仿样例格式输出' '。\n' '用户:你好,我最近对人工智能很感兴趣,能给我讲讲什么是机器学习吗?\n' '意图分析:用户在请求信息,希望了解有关机器学习的基础知识。\n' '意图类别:信息查找\n' 'LLM:你好!当然可以。机器学习是一种人工智能方法,允许计算机通过数据自动改进和学习。\n' '用户:听起来很有趣,有没有推荐的入门书籍或资料?\n' '意图分析:用户在请求建议,希望获取关于机器学习的入门资源。\n' '意图类别:请求建议\n' 'LLM:有很多不错的入门书籍和资源。一本常被推荐的书是《Python机器学习实践》(Python' ' Machine Learning),它涵盖了基础知识和一些实际案例。此外,您还可以参考Coursera' '或edX上的在线课程,这些课程提供了系统的学习路径。\n' '用户:谢谢你的建议!我还想知道,学习机器学习需要什么样的数学基础?\n' '意图分析:用户在寻求信息,希望了解学习机器学习所需的前提条件,特别是在数学方面。\n' '意图类别:信息查找\n' 'LLM:学习机器学习通常需要一定的数学基础,特别是线性代数、概率论和统计学。这些数学领' '域帮助理解算法的工作原理和数据模式分析。如果您对这些主题不太熟悉,建议先从相关基础' '书籍或在线资源开始学习。\n' '用户:明白了,我会先补习这些基础知识。再次感谢你的帮助!\n' '意图分析:用户表达感谢,并表示计划付诸行动来补充所需的基础知识。\n' '意图类别:其他') DEFAULT_QUERY_TEMPLATE = '用户:{query}\n' DEFAULT_RESPONSE_TEMPLATE = 'LLM:{response}\n' DEFAULT_CANDIDATES_TEMPLATE = '备选意图类别:[{candidate_str}]' DEFAULT_ANALYSIS_TEMPLATE = '意图分析:{analysis}\n' DEFAULT_LABELS_TEMPLATE = '意图类别:{labels}\n' DEFAULT_ANALYSIS_PATTERN = '意图分析:(.*?)\n' DEFAULT_LABELS_PATTERN = '意图类别:(.*?)($|\n)'
[docs] def __init__(self, api_model: str = 'gpt-4o', intent_candidates: Optional[List[str]] = None, max_round: NonNegativeInt = 10, *, labels_key: str = MetaKeys.dialog_intent_labels, analysis_key: str = MetaKeys.dialog_intent_labels_analysis, api_endpoint: Optional[str] = None, response_path: Optional[str] = None, system_prompt: Optional[str] = None, query_template: Optional[str] = None, response_template: Optional[str] = None, candidate_template: Optional[str] = None, analysis_template: Optional[str] = None, labels_template: Optional[str] = None, analysis_pattern: Optional[str] = None, labels_pattern: Optional[str] = None, try_num: PositiveInt = 3, model_params: Dict = {}, sampling_params: Dict = {}, **kwargs): """ Initialization method. :param api_model: API model name. :param intent_candidates: The output intent candidates. Use the intent labels of the open domain if it is None. :param max_round: The max num of round in the dialog to build the prompt. :param labels_key: The key name in the meta field to store the output labels. It is 'dialog_intent_labels' in default. :param analysis_key: The key name in the meta field to store the corresponding analysis. It is 'dialog_intent_labels_analysis' in default. :param api_endpoint: URL endpoint for the API. :param response_path: Path to extract content from the API response. Defaults to 'choices.0.message.content'. :param system_prompt: System prompt for the task. :param query_template: Template for query part to build the input prompt. :param response_template: Template for response part to build the input prompt. :param candidate_template: Template for intent candidates to build the input prompt. :param analysis_template: Template for analysis part to build the input prompt. :param labels_template: Template for labels to build the input prompt. :param analysis_pattern: Pattern to parse the return intent analysis. :param labels_pattern: Pattern to parse the return intent labels. :param try_num: The number of retry attempts when there is an API call error or output parsing error. :param model_params: Parameters for initializing the API model. :param sampling_params: Extra parameters passed to the API call. e.g {'temperature': 0.9, 'top_p': 0.95} :param kwargs: Extra keyword arguments. """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self.intent_candidates = intent_candidates self.max_round = max_round self.labels_key = labels_key self.analysis_key = analysis_key self.system_prompt = system_prompt or self.DEFAULT_SYSTEM_PROMPT self.query_template = query_template or self.DEFAULT_QUERY_TEMPLATE self.response_template = response_template or \ self.DEFAULT_RESPONSE_TEMPLATE self.candidate_template = candidate_template or \ self.DEFAULT_CANDIDATES_TEMPLATE self.analysis_template = analysis_template or \ self.DEFAULT_ANALYSIS_TEMPLATE self.labels_template = labels_template or \ self.DEFAULT_LABELS_TEMPLATE self.analysis_pattern = analysis_pattern or \ self.DEFAULT_ANALYSIS_PATTERN self.labels_pattern = labels_pattern or \ self.DEFAULT_LABELS_PATTERN self.sampling_params = sampling_params self.model_key = prepare_model(model_type='api', model=api_model, endpoint=api_endpoint, response_path=response_path, **model_params) self.try_num = try_num
[docs] def build_input(self, history, query): if self.intent_candidates: input_prompt = self.candidate_template.format( candidate_str=','.join(self.intent_candidates)) else: input_prompt = '' if self.max_round > 0: input_prompt += ''.join(history[-self.max_round * 4:]) input_prompt += self.query_template.format(query=query[0]) return input_prompt
[docs] def parse_output(self, response): analysis = '' labels = '' match =, response) if match: analysis = match =, response) if match: labels = return analysis, labels
[docs] def process_single(self, sample, rank=None): meta = sample[Fields.meta] if self.labels_key in meta and self.analysis_key in meta: return sample client = get_model(self.model_key, rank=rank) analysis_list = [] labels_list = [] history = [] dialog = sample[self.history_key] if self.query_key in sample and sample[self.query_key]: if self.response_key in sample and sample[self.response_key]: dialog.append( (sample[self.query_key], sample[self.response_key])) else: dialog.append((sample[self.query_key], '')) for qa in dialog: input_prompt = self.build_input(history, qa) messages = [{ 'role': 'system', 'content': self.system_prompt, }, { 'role': 'user', 'content': input_prompt, }] for _ in range(self.try_num): try: response = client(messages, **self.sampling_params) analysis, labels = self.parse_output(response) if len(analysis) > 0: break except Exception as e: logger.warning(f'Exception: {e}') analysis_list.append(analysis) labels_list.append(labels) history.append(self.query_template.format(query=qa[0])) history.append(self.analysis_template.format(analysis=analysis)) history.append(self.labels_template.format(labels=labels)) history.append(self.response_template.format(response=qa[1])) meta[self.labels_key] = labels_list meta[self.analysis_key] = analysis_list return sample