Source code for data_juicer.ops.mapper.extract_support_text_mapper

from typing import Dict, Optional

from loguru import logger
from pydantic import PositiveInt

from data_juicer.ops.base_op import OPERATORS, TAGGING_OPS, Mapper
from data_juicer.utils.constant import Fields, MetaKeys
from data_juicer.utils.model_utils import get_model, prepare_model

OP_NAME = 'extract_support_text_mapper'

# TODO: LLM-based inference.
[docs] @TAGGING_OPS.register_module(OP_NAME) @OPERATORS.register_module(OP_NAME) class ExtractSupportTextMapper(Mapper): """ Extract support sub text for a summary. """ DEFAULT_SYSTEM_PROMPT = ('你将扮演一个文本摘录助手的角色。你的主要任务是基于给定' '的文章(称为“原文”)以及对原文某个部分的简短描述或总结' '(称为“总结”),准确地识别并提取出与该总结相对应的原文' '片段。\n' '要求:\n' '- 你需要尽可能精确地匹配到最符合总结内容的那部分内容\n' '- 如果存在多个可能的答案,请选择最贴近总结意思的那个\n' '- 下面是一个例子帮助理解这一过程:\n' '### 原文:\n' '《红楼梦》是中国古典小说四大名著之一,由清代作家曹雪芹创' '作。它讲述了贾宝玉、林黛玉等人的爱情故事及四大家族的兴衰' '历程。书中通过复杂的人物关系展现了封建社会的各种矛盾冲突' '。其中关于贾府内部斗争的部分尤其精彩,特别是王熙凤与尤二' '姐之间的争斗,生动描绘了权力争夺下的女性形象。此外,《红' '楼梦》还以其精美的诗词闻名,这些诗词不仅增添了文学色彩,' '也深刻反映了人物的性格特点和命运走向。\n\n' '### 总结:\n' '描述了书中的两个女性角色之间围绕权力展开的竞争。\n\n' '### 原文摘录:\n' '其中关于贾府内部斗争的部分尤其精彩,特别是王熙凤与尤二姐' '之间的争斗,生动描绘了权力争夺下的女性形象。') DEFAULT_INPUT_TEMPLATE = ('### 原文:\n{text}\n\n' '### 总结:\n{summary}\n\n' '### 原文摘录:\n')
[docs] def __init__(self, api_model: str = 'gpt-4o', *, summary_key: str = MetaKeys.event_description, support_text_key: str = MetaKeys.support_text, api_endpoint: Optional[str] = None, response_path: Optional[str] = None, system_prompt: Optional[str] = None, input_template: Optional[str] = None, try_num: PositiveInt = 3, drop_text: bool = False, model_params: Dict = {}, sampling_params: Dict = {}, **kwargs): """ Initialization method. :param api_model: API model name. :param summary_key: The key name to store the input summary in the meta field. It's "event_description" in default. :param support_text_key: The key name to store the output support text for the summary in the meta field. It's "support_text" in default. :param api_endpoint: URL endpoint for the API. :param response_path: Path to extract content from the API response. Defaults to 'choices.0.message.content'. :param system_prompt: System prompt for the task. :param input_template: Template for building the model input. :param try_num: The number of retry attempts when there is an API call error or output parsing error. :param drop_text: If drop the text in the output. :param model_params: Parameters for initializing the API model. :param sampling_params: Extra parameters passed to the API call. e.g {'temperature': 0.9, 'top_p': 0.95} :param kwargs: Extra keyword arguments. """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self.summary_key = summary_key self.support_text_key = support_text_key self.system_prompt = system_prompt or self.DEFAULT_SYSTEM_PROMPT self.input_template = input_template or self.DEFAULT_INPUT_TEMPLATE self.sampling_params = sampling_params self.model_key = prepare_model(model_type='api', model=api_model, endpoint=api_endpoint, response_path=response_path, **model_params) self.try_num = try_num self.drop_text = drop_text
[docs] def process_single(self, sample, rank=None): # check if it's generated already if self.support_text_key in sample[Fields.meta]: return sample client = get_model(self.model_key, rank=rank) if self.summary_key not in sample[Fields.meta]: logger.warning( f'{self.summary_key} does not exist in the meta field!') return sample summary = sample[Fields.meta][self.summary_key] if not isinstance(summary, str): logger.warning('Invalid input summary!') return sample input_prompt = self.input_template.format(text=sample[self.text_key], summary=summary) messages = [{ 'role': 'system', 'content': self.system_prompt }, { 'role': 'user', 'content': input_prompt }] support_text = '' for i in range(self.try_num): try: response = client(messages, **self.sampling_params) support_text = response.strip() if len(support_text) > 0: break except Exception as e: logger.warning(f'Exception: {e}') # default to summary if return None if not support_text: support_text = summary sample[Fields.meta][self.support_text_key] = support_text return sample