Source code for data_juicer.ops.mapper.remove_repeat_sentences_mapper

import regex as re

from ..base_op import OPERATORS, Mapper

def split_sentence(text):
    text = re.sub('([.。!!?\?])([^’”])', r'\1\n\2', text)  # noqa
    text = re.sub('(\.{6})([^’”])', r'\1\n\2', text)  # noqa
    text = re.sub('(\…{2})([^’”])', r'\1\n\2', text)  # noqa
    text = re.sub('([.。!!?\?\.{6}\…{2}][’”])([^’”])', r'\1\n\2', text)  # noqa
    return text.split('\n')

[docs] @OPERATORS.register_module('remove_repeat_sentences_mapper') class RemoveRepeatSentencesMapper(Mapper): """Mapper to remove repeat sentences in text samples.""" _batched_op = True
[docs] def __init__(self, lowercase: bool = False, ignore_special_character: bool = True, min_repeat_sentence_length: int = 2, *args, **kwargs): """ Initialization method. :param lowercase: Whether to convert sample text to lower case :param ignore_special_character: Whether to ignore special characters when judging repeated sentences. Special characters are all characters except Chinese characters, letters and numbers. :param min_repeat_sentence_length: Sentences shorter than this length will not be deduplicated. If ignore_special_character is set to True, then special characters are not included in this length. :param args: extra args :param kwargs: extra args """ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.lowercase = lowercase self.min_repeat_sentence_length = min_repeat_sentence_length self.remove_regex = re.compile(r'[^a-zA-Z0-9\u4e00-\u9fa5\n\t ]' ) if ignore_special_character else None
[docs] def process_batched(self, samples): for idx, text in enumerate(samples[self.text_key]): lines = [e for e in text.split('\n')] new_lines = [] hash_set = set([]) for line in lines: new_sent = '' if line: sentences = split_sentence(line) for sentence in sentences: copy = sentence.strip() if self.lowercase: copy = copy.lower() if self.remove_regex: copy = self.remove_regex.sub('', copy) if len(copy) < self.min_repeat_sentence_length: new_sent += sentence elif copy not in hash_set: new_sent += sentence hash_set.add(copy) new_lines.append(new_sent) samples[self.text_key][idx] = '\n'.join(new_lines) return samples