Source code for data_juicer.ops.mapper.video_resize_aspect_ratio_mapper

import math
import os
from fractions import Fraction

from data_juicer.utils.constant import Fields
from data_juicer.utils.file_utils import transfer_filename
from data_juicer.utils.lazy_loader import LazyLoader
from data_juicer.utils.logger_utils import HiddenPrints
from data_juicer.utils.mm_utils import close_video, load_video

from ..base_op import OPERATORS, Mapper

with HiddenPrints():
    ffmpeg = LazyLoader('ffmpeg', 'ffmpeg')

OP_NAME = 'video_resize_aspect_ratio_mapper'

def rescale(width, height, ori_ratio, min_ratio, max_ratio, strategy):

    scaled_width = width
    scaled_height = height
    ori_ratio = Fraction(ori_ratio)
    min_ratio = Fraction(min_ratio)
    max_ratio = Fraction(max_ratio)
    if ori_ratio < min_ratio:
        if strategy == 'increase':
            # increase width to meet the min ratio
            scaled_width = math.ceil(height * min_ratio)
            scaled_width += scaled_width % 2
        elif strategy == 'decrease':
            # decrease height to meet the min ratio
            scaled_height = math.floor(width / min_ratio)
            scaled_height -= scaled_height % 2

    elif ori_ratio > max_ratio:
        if strategy == 'increase':
            # increase height to meet the max ratio
            scaled_height = math.ceil(width / max_ratio)
            scaled_height += scaled_height % 2

        elif strategy == 'decrease':
            # decrease width to meet the max ratio
            scaled_width = math.floor(height * max_ratio)
            scaled_width -= scaled_width % 2

    assert Fraction(scaled_width, scaled_height) >= min_ratio
    assert Fraction(scaled_width, scaled_height) <= max_ratio

    scaled_width = max(2, scaled_width)
    scaled_height = max(2, scaled_height)

    return scaled_width, scaled_height

[docs] @OPERATORS.register_module(OP_NAME) class VideoResizeAspectRatioMapper(Mapper): """Mapper to resize videos by aspect ratio. AspectRatio = W / H. """ STRATEGY = ['decrease', 'increase']
[docs] def __init__( self, min_ratio: str = '9/21', max_ratio: str = '21/9', strategy: str = 'increase', *args, **kwargs, ): """ Initialization method. :param min_ratio: The minimum aspect ratio to enforce videos with an aspect ratio below `min_ratio` will be resized to match this minimum ratio. The ratio should be provided as a string in the format "9:21" or "9/21". :param max_ratio: The maximum aspect ratio to enforce videos with an aspect ratio above `max_ratio` will be resized to match this maximum ratio. The ratio should be provided as a string in the format "21:9" or "21/9". :param strategy: The resizing strategy to apply when adjusting the video dimensions. It can be either 'decrease' to reduce the dimension or 'increase' to enlarge it. Accepted values are ['decrease', 'increase']. :param args: extra args :param kwargs: extra args """ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._init_parameters = self.remove_extra_parameters(locals()) strategy = strategy.lower() if strategy not in self.STRATEGY: raise ValueError( f'force_original_aspect_ratio [{strategy}] is not supported. ' f'Can only be one of {self.STRATEGY}. ') self.min_ratio = Fraction(str(min_ratio).replace(':', '/')) self.max_ratio = Fraction(str(max_ratio).replace(':', '/')) self.strategy = strategy
[docs] def process_single(self, sample): # there is no video in this sample if self.video_key not in sample or not sample[self.video_key]: sample[Fields.source_file] = [] return sample if Fields.source_file not in sample or not sample[Fields.source_file]: sample[Fields.source_file] = sample[self.video_key] loaded_video_keys = sample[self.video_key] for index, video_key in enumerate(loaded_video_keys): container = load_video(video_key) video =[0] original_width = video.codec_context.width original_height = video.codec_context.height original_aspect_ratio = Fraction(original_width, original_height) close_video(container) if (original_aspect_ratio >= self.min_ratio and original_aspect_ratio <= self.max_ratio): continue scaled_width, scaled_height = rescale( original_width, original_height, original_aspect_ratio, self.min_ratio, self.max_ratio, self.strategy, ) resized_video_key = transfer_filename(video_key, OP_NAME, **self._init_parameters) if (not os.path.exists(resized_video_key) or resized_video_key not in loaded_video_keys): args = ['-nostdin', '-v', 'quiet', '-y'] stream = ffmpeg.input(video_key) stream = stream.filter('scale', width=scaled_width, height=scaled_height) stream = stream.output(resized_video_key).global_args(*args) loaded_video_keys[index] = resized_video_key # when the file is modified, its source file needs to be updated. for i, value in enumerate(sample[self.video_key]): if sample[Fields.source_file][i] != value: if loaded_video_keys[i] != value: sample[Fields.source_file][i] = value sample[self.video_key] = loaded_video_keys return sample