import math
import os
import sys
from pydantic import PositiveInt
from data_juicer.utils.constant import Fields
from data_juicer.utils.file_utils import transfer_filename
from data_juicer.utils.lazy_loader import LazyLoader
from data_juicer.utils.logger_utils import HiddenPrints
from data_juicer.utils.mm_utils import close_video, load_video
from ..base_op import OPERATORS, Mapper
from ..op_fusion import LOADED_VIDEOS
with HiddenPrints():
ffmpeg = LazyLoader('ffmpeg', 'ffmpeg')
OP_NAME = 'video_resize_resolution_mapper'
class VideoResizeResolutionMapper(Mapper):
Mapper to resize videos resolution. We leave the super resolution
with deep learning for future works.
[docs] def __init__(self,
min_width: int = 1,
max_width: int = sys.maxsize,
min_height: int = 1,
max_height: int = sys.maxsize,
force_original_aspect_ratio: str = 'disable',
force_divisible_by: PositiveInt = 2,
Initialization method.
:param min_width: Videos with width less than 'min_width' will be
mapped to videos with equal or bigger width.
:param max_width: Videos with width more than 'max_width' will be
mapped to videos with equal of smaller width.
:param min_height: Videos with height less than 'min_height' will be
mapped to videos with equal or bigger height.
:param max_height: Videos with height more than 'max_height' will be
mapped to videos with equal or smaller height.
:param force_original_aspect_ratio: Enable decreasing or \
increasing output video width or height if necessary \
to keep the original aspect ratio, including ['disable', \
'decrease', 'increase'].
:param force_divisible_by: Ensures that both the output dimensions, \
width and height, are divisible by the given integer when used \
together with force_original_aspect_ratio, must be a positive \
even number.
:param args: extra args
:param kwargs: extra args
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self._init_parameters = self.remove_extra_parameters(locals())
force_original_aspect_ratio = force_original_aspect_ratio.lower()
if force_original_aspect_ratio not in [
'disable', 'decrease', 'increase'
raise ValueError(
f'force_original_aspect_ratio [{force_original_aspect_ratio}]'
f' is not supported. '
f"Can only be one of ['disable', 'decrease', 'increase']. ")
if (force_divisible_by <= 1 or force_divisible_by % 2
== 1) and force_original_aspect_ratio != 'disable':
raise ValueError(
f'force_divisible_by [{force_divisible_by}] must be a positive'
f' even number. ')
self.min_width = min_width
self.max_width = max_width
self.min_height = min_height
self.max_height = max_height
self.scale_method = 'scale'
self.force_original_aspect_ratio = force_original_aspect_ratio
self.force_divisible_by = force_divisible_by
[docs] def process_single(self, sample, context=False):
# there is no video in this sample
if self.video_key not in sample or not sample[self.video_key]:
sample[Fields.source_file] = []
return sample
if Fields.source_file not in sample or not sample[Fields.source_file]:
sample[Fields.source_file] = sample[self.video_key]
loaded_video_keys = sample[self.video_key]
for index, video_key in enumerate(loaded_video_keys):
container = load_video(video_key)
video =[0]
width = video.codec_context.width
height = video.codec_context.height
origin_ratio = width / height
if width >= self.min_width and width <= self.max_width and \
height >= self.min_height and height <= self.max_height:
# keep the original aspect ratio as possible
if width < self.min_width:
height = self.min_width / origin_ratio
width = self.min_width
if width > self.max_width:
height = self.max_width / origin_ratio
width = self.max_width
if height < self.min_height:
width = self.min_height * origin_ratio
height = self.min_height
if height > self.max_height:
width = self.max_height * origin_ratio
height = self.max_height
# the width and height of a video must be divisible by 2.
if self.force_original_aspect_ratio == 'disable':
force_divisible_by = 2
force_divisible_by = self.force_divisible_by
# make sure in the range if possible
width = int(max(width, self.min_width))
width = math.ceil(width / force_divisible_by) * force_divisible_by
width = int(min(width, self.max_width))
width = int(width / force_divisible_by) * force_divisible_by
height = int(max(height, self.min_height))
height = math.ceil(
height / force_divisible_by) * force_divisible_by
height = int(min(height, self.max_height))
height = int(height / force_divisible_by) * force_divisible_by
# keep the origin aspect ratio
if self.force_original_aspect_ratio == 'increase':
if width / height < origin_ratio:
width = height * origin_ratio
elif width / height > origin_ratio:
height = width / origin_ratio
elif self.force_original_aspect_ratio == 'decrease':
if width / height < origin_ratio:
height = width / origin_ratio
elif width / height > origin_ratio:
width = height * origin_ratio
width = int(round(width / force_divisible_by)) * force_divisible_by
height = int(round(
height / force_divisible_by)) * force_divisible_by
# resize
resized_video_key = transfer_filename(video_key, OP_NAME,
if (not os.path.exists(resized_video_key)
or resized_video_key not in loaded_video_keys):
args = ['-nostdin', '-v', 'quiet',
'-y'] # close the ffmpeg log
stream = ffmpeg.input(video_key)
stream = stream.filter('scale', width=width, height=height)
stream = stream.output(resized_video_key).global_args(*args)
loaded_video_keys[index] = resized_video_key
# when the file is modified, its source file needs to be updated.
for i, value in enumerate(sample[self.video_key]):
if sample[Fields.source_file][i] != value:
if loaded_video_keys[i] != value:
sample[Fields.source_file][i] = value
sample[self.video_key] = loaded_video_keys
return sample