import json
import os
from loguru import logger
class CheckpointManager:
This class is used to save the latest version of dataset to checkpoint
directory or load it from checkpoint directory, a bit like cache management
Rerun the same config will reload the checkpoint and skip ops before it.
If any args of operator in process list is changed, all ops will be
rerun from the beginning.
def __init__(self, ckpt_dir, original_process_list, num_proc=1):
Initialization method.
:param ckpt_dir: path to save and load checkpoint
:param original_process_list: process list in config
:param num_proc: number of process workers when saving dataset
self.ckpt_dir = ckpt_dir
self.ckpt_ds_dir = os.path.join(self.ckpt_dir, 'latest')
self.ckpt_op_record = os.path.join(self.ckpt_dir, 'ckpt_op.json')
self.process_list = original_process_list
self.num_proc = num_proc
self.op_record = []
self.ckpt_available = self.check_ckpt()
def get_left_process_list(self):
Get left process list of ops for processing dataset, when checkpoint is
available, remove some ops from process list, otherwise keep it
:return: process list of left ops
return self.process_list
def check_ckpt(self):
Check if checkpoint is available.
:return: True when checkpoint is available, else False
if os.path.exists(self.ckpt_ds_dir) \
and os.path.isdir(self.ckpt_ds_dir) \
and os.path.exists(self.ckpt_op_record) \
and os.path.isfile(self.ckpt_op_record) \
and self.check_ops_to_skip():
return True
os.makedirs(self.ckpt_dir, exist_ok=True)
return False
def record(self, op_cfg: dict):
"""Save op name and args to op record, which is used to compare with
the process list from config to decide if a checkpoint is available."""
def check_ops_to_skip(self):
Check which ops need to be skipped in the process list.
If op record list from checkpoint are the same as the prefix
part of process list, then skip these ops and start processing
from the checkpoint. Otherwise, process the original dataset
from scratch.
:return: whether to skip some ops or not
# load op records
with open(self.ckpt_op_record, 'r') as fin:
self.op_record = json.load(fin)
# check whether the op records are exactly the same
# with prefix of process list
# 1. same: remove these ops from process list
# 2. different: cleanup op record, and keep process list unchanged
recorded_op_num = len(self.op_record)
process_op_num = len(self.process_list)
if process_op_num < recorded_op_num:
f'Current config ops ({process_op_num}) are fewer than '
f'checkpoint ops ({recorded_op_num}). Cannot reuse checkpoint;'
f' all ops will be processed from the beginning.')
self.op_record = []
return False
prefix_process = self.process_list[:recorded_op_num]
all_the_same = True
dif1, dif2 = None, None
for record_op, config_op in zip(self.op_record, prefix_process):
if record_op != config_op:
all_the_same = False
dif1, dif2 = record_op, config_op
if all_the_same:
for op in self.op_record:
op_name = list(op.keys())[0]'Skip op [{op_name}].')
self.process_list = self.process_list[recorded_op_num:]
return True
logger.warning(f'Processed ops of checkpoint are different from '
f'current configs: checkpoint-{dif1} vs. config-'
f'{dif2}. All ops will be processed from the '
self.op_record = []
return False
def save_ckpt(self, ds):
Save dataset to checkpoint directory and dump processed ops list.
:param ds: input dataset to save
left_sample_num = len(ds)
num_proc=min(self.num_proc, left_sample_num))
with open(self.ckpt_op_record, 'w') as fout:
json.dump(self.op_record, fout)
def load_ckpt(self):
Load dataset from a checkpoint file.
:return: a dataset stored in checkpoint file.
from import NestedDataset
ds = NestedDataset.load_from_disk(self.ckpt_ds_dir)
return ds