import math
import os
import subprocess
import multiprocess as mp
import psutil
from loguru import logger
from data_juicer import cuda_device_count
def setup_mp(method=None):
if mp.current_process().name != 'MainProcess':
if method is None:
method = ['fork', 'forkserver', 'spawn']
if not isinstance(method, (list, tuple)):
method = [method]
method = [m.lower() for m in method]
env_method = os.getenv('MP_START_METHOD', '').lower()
if env_method in method:
method = [env_method]
available_methods = mp.get_all_start_methods()
for m in method:
if m in available_methods:
logger.debug(f"Setting multiprocess start method to '{m}'")
mp.set_start_method(m, force=True)
except RuntimeError as e:
logger.warning(f'Error setting multiprocess start method: {e}')
def get_min_cuda_memory():
# get cuda memory info using "nvidia-smi" command
import torch
min_cuda_memory = torch.cuda.get_device_properties(
0).total_memory / 1024**2
nvidia_smi_output = subprocess.check_output([
'nvidia-smi', '',
for line in nvidia_smi_output.strip().split('\n'):
free_memory = int(line)
min_cuda_memory = min(min_cuda_memory, free_memory)
return min_cuda_memory
def calculate_np(name,
"""Calculate the optimum number of processes for the given OP"""
eps = 1e-9 # about 1 byte
if use_cuda:
auto_num_proc = None
cuda_mem_available = get_min_cuda_memory() / 1024
if mem_required == 0:
logger.warning(f'The required cuda memory of Op[{name}] '
f'has not been specified. '
f'Please specify the mem_required field in the '
f'config file, or you might encounter CUDA '
f'out of memory error. You can reference '
f'the mem_required field in the '
f'config_all.yaml file.')
auto_num_proc = math.floor(
cuda_mem_available / mem_required) * cuda_device_count()
if cuda_mem_available / mem_required < 1.0:
f'The required cuda memory:{mem_required}GB might '
f'be more than the available cuda memory:'
f'This Op[{name}] might '
f'require more resource to run.')
if auto_num_proc and num_proc:
op_proc = min(auto_num_proc, num_proc)
if num_proc > auto_num_proc:
f'The given num_proc: {num_proc} is greater than '
f'the value {auto_num_proc} auto calculated based '
f'on the mem_required of Op[{name}]. '
f'Set the `num_proc` to {auto_num_proc}.')
elif not auto_num_proc and not num_proc:
op_proc = cuda_device_count()
f'Both mem_required and num_proc of Op[{name}] are not set.'
f'Set the `num_proc` to number of GPUs {op_proc}.')
op_proc = auto_num_proc if auto_num_proc else num_proc
op_proc = max(op_proc, 1)
return op_proc
if num_proc is None:
num_proc = psutil.cpu_count()
op_proc = num_proc
cpu_available = psutil.cpu_count()
mem_available = psutil.virtual_memory().available
mem_available = mem_available / 1024**3
op_proc = min(op_proc, math.floor(cpu_available / cpu_required + eps))
op_proc = min(op_proc,
math.floor(mem_available / (mem_required + eps)))
if op_proc < 1.0:
logger.warning(f'The required CPU number:{cpu_required} '
f'and memory:{mem_required}GB might '
f'be more than the available CPU:{cpu_available} '
f'and memory :{mem_available}GB.'
f'This Op [{name}] might '
f'require more resource to run.')
op_proc = max(op_proc, 1)
return op_proc