
class memoryscope.core.worker.backend.contra_repeat_worker.ContraRepeatWorker(embedding_model: str = '', generation_model: str = '', rank_model: str = '', **kwargs)[source]

Bases: MemoryBaseWorker

The ContraRepeatWorker class specializes in processing memory nodes to identify and handle contradictory and repetitive information. It extends the base functionality of MemoryBaseWorker.

Responsibilities: - Collects observation nodes from various memory categories. - Constructs a prompt with these observations for language model analysis. - Parses the model’s response to detect contradictions or redundancies. - Adjusts the status of memory nodes based on the analysis. - Persists the updated node statuses back into memory.

FILE_PATH: str = '/home/runner/work/MemoryScope/MemoryScope/memoryscope/core/worker/backend/'
name: str
workflow_context: Dict[str, Any]
memoryscope_context: MemoryscopeContext
raise_exception: bool
is_multi_thread: bool
thread_pool: ThreadPoolExecutor
enable_parallel: bool
kwargs: dict
continue_run: bool
async_task_list: list
thread_task_list: list
logger: Logger