Pipeline and MsgHub

Pipeline & MsgHub (message hub) are one or a sequence of steps describing how the structured Msg passes between multi-agents, which streamlines the process of collaboration across agents.

Pipeline allows users to program communication among agents easily, and MsgHub enables message sharing among agents like a group chat.


Pipeline in AgentScope serves as conduits through which messages pass among agents. In AgentScope, an Agent is a subclass of an Operator that performs some operation on input data. Pipelines extend this concept by encapsulating multiple agents, and also act as an Operator.

Here is the base class for all pipeline types:

class PipelineBase(Operator):
   """Base interface of all pipelines."""
    # ... [code omitted for brevity]
    def __call__(self, x: Optional[dict] = None) -> dict:
        """Define the actions taken by this pipeline.

            x (Optional[`dict`], optional):
                Dialog history and some environmental information

            `dict`: The pipeline's response to the input.


AgentScope provides two main types of pipelines based on their implementation strategy:

  • Operator-Type Pipelines

    • These pipelines are object-oriented and inherit from the PipelineBase. They are operators themselves and can be combined with other operators to create complex interaction patterns.

      # Instantiate and invoke
      pipeline = ClsPipeline(agent1, agent2, agent3)
      x = pipeline(x)
  • Functional Pipelines

    • Functional pipelines provide similar control flow mechanisms as the class-based pipelines but are implemented as standalone functions. These are useful for scenarios where a class-based setup may not be necessary or preferred.

      # Just invoke
      x = funcpipeline(agent1, agent2, agent3, x)

Pipelines are categorized based on their functionality, much like programming language constructs. The table below outlines the different pipelines available in AgentScope:

Operator-Type Pipeline

Functional Pipeline




Executes a sequence of operators in order, passing the output of one as the input to the next.



Implements conditional logic, executing one operator if a condition is true and another if it is false.



Facilitates multi-branch selection, executing an operator from a mapped set based on the evaluation of a condition.



Repeatedly executes an operator for a set number of iterations or until a specified break condition is met.



Continuously executes an operator as long as a given condition remains true.



Acts as a placeholder in branches that do not require any operations in flow control like if-else/switch


This section illustrates how pipelines can simplify the implementation of logic in multi-agent applications by comparing the usage of pipelines versus approaches without pipelines.

Note: Please note that in the examples provided below, we use the term agent to represent any instance that can act as an Operator. This is for ease of understanding and to illustrate how pipelines orchestrate interactions between different operations. You can replace agent with any Operator, thus allowing for a mix of agent and pipeline in practice.


  • Without pipeline:

    x = agent1(x)
    x = agent2(x)
    x = agent3(x)
  • Using pipeline:

    from agentscope.pipelines import SequentialPipeline
    pipe = SequentialPipeline([agent1, agent2, agent3])
    x = pipe(x)
  • Using functional pipeline:

    from agentscope.pipelines import sequentialpipeline
    x = sequentialpipeline([agent1, agent2, agent3], x)


  • Without pipeline:

    if condition(x):
        x = agent1(x)
        x = agent2(x)
  • Using pipeline:

    from agentscope.pipelines import IfElsePipeline
    pipe = IfElsePipeline(condition, agent1, agent2)
    x = pipe(x)
  • Using functional pipeline:

    from agentscope.functional import ifelsepipeline
    x = ifelsepipeline(condition, agent1, agent2, x)


  • Without pipeline:

    switch_result = condition(x)
    if switch_result == case1:
        x = agent1(x)
    elif switch_result == case2:
        x = agent2(x)
        x = default_agent(x)
  • Using pipeline:

    from agentscope.pipelines import SwitchPipeline
    case_operators = {case1: agent1, case2: agent2}
    pipe = SwitchPipeline(condition, case_operators, default_agent)
    x = pipe(x)
  • Using functional pipeline:

    from agentscope.functional import switchpipeline
    case_operators = {case1: agent1, case2: agent2}
    x = switchpipeline(condition, case_operators, default_agent, x)


  • Without pipeline:

    for i in range(max_iterations):
        x = agent(x)
        if break_condition(x):
  • Using pipeline:

    from agentscope.pipelines import ForLoopPipeline
    pipe = ForLoopPipeline(agent, max_iterations, break_condition)
    x = pipe(x)
  • Using functional pipeline:

    from agentscope.functional import forlooppipeline
    x = forlooppipeline(agent, max_iterations, break_condition, x)


  • Without pipeline:

    while condition(x):
        x = agent(x)
  • Using pipeline:

    from agentscope.pipelines import WhileLoopPipeline
    pipe = WhileLoopPipeline(agent, condition)
    x = pipe(x)
  • Using functional pipeline:

    from agentscope.functional import whilelooppipeline
    x = whilelooppipeline(agent, condition, x)

Pipeline Combination

It’s worth noting that AgentScope supports the combination of pipelines to create complex interactions. For example, we can create a pipeline that executes a sequence of agents in order, and then executes another pipeline that executes a sequence of agents in condition.

from agentscope.pipelines import SequentialPipeline, IfElsePipeline
# Create a pipeline that executes agents in order
pipe1 = SequentialPipeline([agent1, agent2, agent3])
# Create a pipeline that executes agents in ifElsePipeline
pipe2 = IfElsePipeline(condition, agent4, agent5)
# Create a pipeline that executes pipe1 and pipe2 in order
pipe3 = SequentialPipeline([pipe1, pipe2])
# Invoke the pipeline
x = pipe3(x)


MsgHub is designed to manage dialogue among a group of agents, allowing for the sharing of messages. Through MsgHub, agents can broadcast messages to all other agents in the group with broadcast.

Here is the core class for a MsgHub:

class MsgHubManager:
    """MsgHub manager class for sharing dialog among a group of agents."""
    # ... [code omitted for brevity]

    def broadcast(self, msg: Union[dict, list[dict]]) -> None:
        """Broadcast the message to all participants."""
        for agent in self.participants:

    def add(self, new_participant: Union[Sequence[AgentBase], AgentBase]) -> None:
       """Add new participant into this hub"""
        # ... [code omitted for brevity]

    def delete(self, participant: Union[Sequence[AgentBase], AgentBase]) -> None:
       """Delete agents from participant."""
        # ... [code omitted for brevity]


Creating a MsgHub

To create a MsgHub, instantiate a MsgHubManager by calling the msghub helper function with a list of participating agents. Additionally, you can supply an optional initial announcement that, if provided, will be broadcast to all participants upon initialization.

from agentscope.msg_hub import msghub

# Initialize MsgHub with participating agents
hub_manager = msghub(
    participants=[agent1, agent2, agent3], announcement=initial_announcement

Broadcast message in MsgHub

The MsgHubManager can be used with a context manager to handle the setup and teardown of the message hub environment:

with msghub(
    participants=[agent1, agent2, agent3], announcement=initial_announcement
) as hub:
    # Agents can now broadcast and receive messages within this block

    # Or manually broadcast a message

Upon exiting the context block, the MsgHubManager ensures that each agent’s audience is cleared, preventing any unintended message sharing outside of the hub context.

Adding and Deleting Participants

You can dynamically add or remove agents from the MsgHub:

# Add a new participant

# Remove an existing participant

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