
In multi-agent applications, particularly those that rely on external model APIs, it’s crucial to monitor the usage and cost to prevent overutilization and ensure compliance with rate limits. The MonitorBase class and its implementation, SqliteMonitor, provide a way to track and regulate the usage of such APIs in your applications. In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to use them to monitor API calls.

Understanding the Monitor in AgentScope

The MonitorBase class serves as an interface for setting up a monitoring system that tracks various metrics, especially focusing on API usage. It defines methods that enable registration, checking, updating, and management of metrics related to API calls.

Here are the key methods of MonitorBase:

  • register: Initializes a metric for tracking, such as the number of API calls made, with an optional quota to enforce limits.

  • exists: Checks whether a metric is already being tracked.

  • add: Increments the metric by a specified value, used to count each API call made.

  • update: Updates multiple metrics at once, useful for batching updates.

  • clear: Resets a metric to zero, which can be useful when the quota period resets.

  • remove: Removes a metric from monitoring.

  • get_value: Retrieves the current count for a particular metric.

  • get_unit: Fetches the unit associated with the metric (e.g., “calls”).

  • get_quota: Obtains the maximum number of allowed API calls.

  • set_quota: Adjusts the quota for a metric, if the terms of API usage change.

  • get_metric: Returns detailed information about a specific metric.

  • get_metrics: Retrieves information about all tracked metrics, with optional filtering based on metric names.

  • register_budget: Sets a budget for a certain API call, which will initialize a series of metrics used to calculate the cost.

Using the Monitor

Get a Monitor Instance

Get a monitor instance from MonitorFactory to begin monitoring, and note that multiple calls to the get_monitor method return the same monitor instance.

# make sure you have called agentscope.init(...) before
monitor = MonitorFactory.get_monitor()

Currently the above code returns a SqliteMonitor instance, which is initialized in agentscope.init. The SqliteMonitor class is the default implementation of MonitorBase class, which is based on Sqlite3.

If you don’t want to use monitor, you can set use_monitor=False in agentscope.init to disable the monitor. And in this case, the MonitorFactory.get_monitor method will return an instance of DummyMonitor which has the same interface as the SqliteMonitor class, but does nothing inside.

Basic Usage

Registering API Usage Metrics

Register a new metric to start monitoring the number of tokens:

monitor.register("token_num", metric_unit="token", quota=1000)

Updating Metrics

Increment the token_num metric:

monitor.add("token_num", 20)

Handling Quotas

If the number of API calls exceeds the quota, a QuotaExceededError will be thrown:

    monitor.add("api_calls", amount)
except QuotaExceededError as e:
    # Handle the exceeded quota, e.g., by pausing API calls

Retrieving Metrics

Get the current number of tokens used:

token_num_used = monitor.get_value("token_num")

Resetting and Removing Metrics

Reset the number of token count at the start of a new period:


Remove the metric if it’s no longer needed:


Advanced Usage

Features here are under development, the interface may continue to change.

Using prefix to Distinguish Metrics

Assume you have multiple agents/models that use the same API call, but you want to calculate their token usage separately, you can add a unique prefix before the original metric name, and get_full_name provides such functionality.

For example, if model_A and model_B both use the OpenAI API, you can register these metrics by the following code.

from agentscope.utils.monitor import get_full_name


# in model_A
monitor.register(get_full_name('prompt_tokens', 'model_A'))
monitor.register(get_full_name('completion_tokens', 'model_A'))

# in model_B
monitor.register(get_full_name('prompt_tokens', 'model_B'))
monitor.register(get_full_name('completion_tokens', 'model_B'))

To update those metrics, just use the update method.

# in model_A
monitor.update(openai_response.usage.model_dump(), prefix='model_A')

# in model_B
monitor.update(openai_response.usage.model_dump(), prefix='model_B')

To get metrics of a specific model, please use the get_metrics method.

# get metrics of model_A
model_A_metrics = monitor.get_metrics('model_A')

# get metrics of model_B
model_B_metrics = monitor.get_metrics('model_B')

Register a budget for an API

Currently, the Monitor already supports automatically calculating the cost of API calls based on various metrics, and you can directly set a budget of a model to avoid exceeding the quota.

Suppose you are using gpt-4-turbo and your budget is $10, you can use the following code.

model_name = 'gpt-4-turbo'
monitor.register_budget(model_name=model_name, value=10, prefix=model_name)

Use prefix to set budgets for different models that use the same API.

model_name = 'gpt-4-turbo'
# in model_A
monitor.register_budget(model_name=model_name, value=10, prefix=f'model_A.{model_name}')

# in model_B
monitor.register_budget(model_name=model_name, value=10, prefix=f'model_B.{model_name}')

register_budget will automatically register metrics that are required to calculate the total cost, calculate the total cost when these metrics are updated, and throw a QuotaExceededError when the budget is exceeded.

model_name = 'gpt-4-turbo'
    monitor.update(openai_response.usage.model_dump(), prefix=model_name)
except QuotaExceededError as e:
    # Handle the exceeded quota

Note: This feature is still in the experimental stage and only supports some specified APIs, which are listed in agentscope.utils.monitor._get_pricing.

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